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Writer's pictureRebecca Anderson

Case Study: Rheumatoid Arthritis treated with Bowen therapy vs IOS Bowen therapy

Client A came to see me initially in 2021 for help with her rheumatoid arthritis. She had previously had Bowen Therapy, to manage the pain associated with the disease.


For this client, the disease was prevalent in her hands which meant she was unable to bend her fingers due to swelling and pain, aching and pain in her arms and shoulders, and it was also present in less severity in other parts of the body.


The original treatment plan was developed using Bowen therapy as taught in my original teachings, and whilst effective in helping with the pain, it did not remove it. But because the client was used to this level of outcome, she was happy to continue with treatment as it was to manage her pain levels.


After completing the Importance Of Symmetry training in 2022, I started using the assessment and practice tools I learnt from this training on my client base.


To bring the problem under control for this client, we started with fortnightly sessions (a better timing for people coping with autoimmune diseases) and each treatment involved assessing to find the short leg and bringing it back to symmetry as well as significant work around the neck and jaw area where palpation revealed considerable restriction in the movement of the scalene muscles on both sides of the neck. Each session was finished with work along the affected extremities (both arms).


After the first session the client noted major improvement that she’d not experienced with Bowen previously and after six sessions, this client reported she was almost completely pain free.


She now attends a session every four weeks reporting only mild pain in a finger joint on one of her hands, the swelling has completely gone and there is no pain in the rest of her body with each session leaving her feeling great with full functionality of her body, something that she had not experienced for a number of years.

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